The Kinetic Collective Model (KCM), developed by the nanoTransport group of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, is a generalization of the Guyer and Krumhansl solution of the phonon Boltzmann Transport Equation. KCM allows to compute the thermal conductivity of semiconductors in a fast and low memory way from first principles calculations.

The KCM:

  • Properly accounts for the effect of normal scattering processes.
  • Uses first principles calculations.
  • Allows fast calculations of thermal conductivity with low memory and time usage.
  • Defines an hydrodynamic heat flux equation able to be used in finite elements simulations for thermal calculations in complex geometries (See the hydrodynamic equation in THEORY).

The current version of KCM is developed to be used with phono3py outputs, with collaboration of A.Togo.


⟶ If you use KCM please cite the article First principles kinetic collective thermal conductivity.
⟶ To report bugs or ask any questions please sent an email.
If you are looking for thermal transport model for your experimental data don't hesitate to contact us. We will be glad to collaborate in your research.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

---------------------- ANNOUNCEMENTS ----------------------

New update Version 1.1

New update of the script is now available to compute in the same run different sizes (see INPUT FILE). [Read More]
Tags: thermal transport, nanoscale

cad 3d models