Here are given the main steps to follow to calculate the thermal conductivity in the KCM using the output from phono3py.

Phono3py calculation

Download phono3py and follow the instructions given here to obtain the force constants for the desired material using VASP or Quantum Espresso.

In the next commands, if you use VASP use -c POSCAR, with Quantum Espresso use --pwscf -c

Once you have the FORCES_FC2, FORCES_FC3, and FORCE_SETS files execute

phono3py --dim="2 2 2" --sym-fc -c POSCAR

This will provide the harmonic and anharmonic force constants files fc2.hdf5 and fc3.hdf5.

--dim corresponds to the cell dimension used to obtain the force constants.

Next, execute your adapted command of this example:

phono3py --dim="2 2 2" --fc3 --fc2  --pa="0 1/2 1/2 1/2 0 1/2 1/2 1/2 0" 
        -c POSCAR --mesh="20 20 20" --br --nu  --ts="300 400" --isotope 
        --mv="2.01e-4 2.01e-4" -o name

--fc3 and --fc2 is used to avoid new calculation of the force constants done in the previous step.

--pa is used to reduce to the primitive cell. This reduce the computational time. Here you have to introduce the primitive vectors as done in the example for the FCC diamond-like structure.

--br is used to fast calculation of the relaxation times.

--nu is used to split N and U processes. This tag is REQUIRED to run the KCM calculation .

--ts indicates the temperatures to run the calculations.

--isotope calculates the natural isotope concentration scattering.

--mv indicates the value of the isotope strength. If is not indicated is used natural isotope concentration. Notice that you have to indicate as many values as atoms you have in the primitive cell (if using --pa option) or in the conventional cell according to the POSCAR.

-o is used with an extra name to avoid overwirtting of the output file.

This calculation will provide a kappa-mxxx.hdf5, where xxx is the mesh indicated above.

KCM calculation

To run the KCM calculation you need to have installed phono3py.

Start by cloning the kcm folder including the script and INPUT file by executing:

git clone

Copy the and INCAR files in the same folder where you have kappa-mxxx.hdf5 and POSCAR or of the material you want to calculate the thermal conductivity. Find also a version written in python3 to be used with the last version of Phono3py.

Set the parameters of your calculation in the INPUT file according to the INPUT description.

To run the KCM calculation execute:

python --pa="0 1/2 1/2 1/2 0 1/2 1/2 1/2 0" POSCAR kappa-mxxx.hdf5

Use only --pa if it was also used in the previous phono3py calculation. Execute the Si-example with the previous script to test it.

By default the thermal conductivity and NL-length will be stored at K_T_size_component_mesh.dat .

If you use Quantum Espresso rewrite your according to the POSCAR format, which only requires the cell vectors and atomic positions, and run the KCM as:

python --pa="0 1/2 1/2 1/2 0 1/2 1/2 1/2 0" POSCAR kappa-mxxx.hdf5